IonQ Forte

Available Since 2022

Forte is the latest evolution towards a software-configurable quantum computer. Qubit and gate configuration can be tailored to user needs, creating a truly dynamic and flexible system.

Push the Boundaries of Computing

With 36 qubits and an #AQ of 35, Forte represents IonQ’s largest single core quantum processor and our highest performing system to date.

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An Exclusive System

As our highest performing quantum system, Forte is in high demand. A limited number of researchers and customers will have access to Forte in 2023.

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Shape the Future of Computing

Forte’s technology represents a turning point in trapped ion architecture. Access to this foundational system will help drive development of future systems.

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IonQ's Highest Performing, Commercially Available Quantum Computer

IonQ and Airbus
Cargo Loading Optimization

  • Developing quantum solutions for constrained optimization problem applied to cargo loading
  • Using IonQ Forte, demonstrated largest variational optimization problem executed on a QPU
  • Foundation for creating solutions platform for variational quantum algorithms

Why Trapped Ion Technology?

By adding full software configurability, Forte represents a major advancement over previous trapped ion systems. Beyond Forte, IonQ’s technical roadmap aims to deliver the full suite of trapped ion advantages below.

  • Highest Gate Fidelity

    Highest Gate Fidelity

    Ion qubits have achieved the lowest gate error rate of any quantum technology. 

  • All To All Connectivity

    All-To-All Connectivity

    Any qubit in the system can be directly entangled with any other qubit. 

  • Fully Software Configurable

    Fully Software Configurable

    IonQ’s trapped ion architecture can be configured to meet various computational demands. 

  • Longest Coherence Times

    Longest Coherence Times

    Ion qubits have achieved the longest coherence times of any quantum technology. 

  • Clear Path To Error Correction

    Clear Path to Error Correction

    We believe trapped ions will require fewer total qubits for error correction compared to other quantum. 

See how trapped ion technology works

Explore Forte's Unique System Architecture

Forte System

Forte represents several innovations in both trapped ion technology and in quantum computing.

Learn more by selecting system components from the list above.

Explore Other Quantum Systems


Our universally accessible, high-performing flagship quantum system

Explore Aria

Forte Enterprise (Expected in 2024)

Our rack mounted, on-prem system for production readiness and hybrid

Explore Forte Enterprise

Tempo (Expected in 2025)

Our commercial advantage capable computer for production applications

Explore Tempo

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Forte Specifications

#AQ 35

With Configurable Error Mitigation

Forte is the world's most useful quantum computer. #AQ measures the usefulness of a quantum computer. For example, with Forte's configurable error mitigation, #AQ 35 would mean you could successfully run quantum algorithms of ~980 entangling gates on up to 35 qubits.

Learn more about AQ
Forte AQ Chart

The above figure shows the measurement results for the various industry used benchmark algorithms on IonQ Forte

  • 35

    With Configurable Error Mitigation Algorithmic Qubits (#AQ) is a summary metric that counts the number of algorithmically “useful” qubits in a quantum system.

  • 36

    Qubit Count The number of physical qubits in the system. If everything else were perfect, qubit count would equal #AQ. It’s not, which is why we need other metrics!

  • 0.02%

    1-Qubit Gate Error This characterization of 1Q gate infidelity is the 1Q randomized benchmarking error rate, as measured by Clifford Randomized Benchmarking and described in this paper. Forte's 1Q gate error is about two parts in ten thousand (0.02%).

  • 0.4%

    2-Qubit Gate Error This characterization of Forte 2Q gates is the randomized benchmarking error rate, as measured by Direct Randomized Benchmarking. Forte's 2Q gate error is about forty parts in ten thousand (0.4%).

  • 0.5%

    SPAM Error The average error introduced during state preparation and measurement. Forte's SPAM error is about fifty parts in ten thousand (0.5%), and our new Barium system can do about four in ten thousand. More on SPAM and Barium

  • 10–100s, ~1s

    T1 & T2 Time Two factors of the amount of time a qubit “stays a qubit,” T1 measures how long you can tell what’s a one vs a zero, and T2 measures phase coherence.

Make History on IonQ Forte

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Problems of Interest:

  • Multivariate Financial Models

  • Chemistry Simulations

  • Hybrid Machine Learning Models

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Harness the power of IonQ Quantum Systems from the cloud.

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Learn About #AQ

A benchmark that measures what matters most: a system's value to your organization.

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